JST SICORP - MSMT - NRDIO - NCBR - SAS - Visegrad Fund Ref. # JP1648
JST SICORP - MSMT - NRDIO - NCBR - SAS - Visegrad Fund Ref. # JP1648
9th International Conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environmental Protection
ELKH Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Third Annual Meeting of the AtomDeC Consortia in Warsaw, Poland organized by Dr. Amrita Jain.
Second Annual Meeting of the AtomDeC Consortia in Smolenice Castle, Slovakia organized by Dr. Eva Scholtzova.
9th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanosciences, Szeged, Hungary organized by Dr. Tamás Szabó and coworkers.
World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (WATOC) congress in Vancouver, BC, Canada - external collaborator Dr. Szilagyi presented his invited communication on Modelling Gas Adsorption on Porous Carbon Materials.
European Student Colloid Conference, Szeged, Hungary organized by Dr. Tamás Szabó.
First AtomDeC Regional Mini-Symposium organized by Dr. Tamás Szabó (WP3, University of Szeged, Hungary).
Visegrad Group (V4) + Japan - Innovation and Industry - Joint Science Diplomacy Seminar
Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Research Centre for Natural Sciences
1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2. HUNGARY
Presenter: Dr. Amrita Jain (WP5, Polish Academy of Science)
Kick-off meeting with the presence of Scientific Advisory Committee members.
Detailed schedule is available at the meeting's page.
Congratulations to all the recipients of the Best Poster Awards!
First monthly meeting with the agenda of reviewing initial progress of each WP, summarizing the outcome of bilateral WP meetings, finalizing preparing for the January Kick-Off meeting.
The project officially starts. Consortium Agreements are finalized and signed. Bilateral discussions between Work Packets are ongoing in preparation for the kick off meeting in January 2022.
Dr. Scholtzová, project leader for Work Packet 4 presented on her path from periodic clay minerals to the carbon project. Her presentation was followed by Prof. Szilágyi, who reviewed his recent studies in understanding gas storage, structural refinement and emergence of paramagnetism in templated carbon materials.
Prof. Szabó, project leader for Work Packet 3 introduced his lab and summarized his past achievements, current research activities, and discussed his future contributions to the project.
Dr. Michalska, project leader for Work Packet 2 discussed her contribution to the consortia, which specific focus on graphitic carbon nitride materials, their advantages and disadvantages of their use and strategies of their synthesis.
Initial exploration for connectivity between WP1 (headed by Prof. Nishihara) and WP4 (project leader Dr. Scholtzová and collaborator Prof. Szilágyi) for various way computational modelling can support chemical synthesis and sample characterization.
Dr. Jain, secondary project leader summarized her plans for Work Package 5 and discussed how basic science will be translated to device and technology developments.
Prof. Nishihara, principal project leader presented his Work Package 1 status and provided updates about his research lab's plans for the V4+J project.
We received the news that our project entitled “Atomic Design of Carbon-Based Materials for New Normal Society” to the recent V4-Japan Joint Call on “Advanced Materials” has been selected for funding within the V4-Japan Joint Research Program. Congratulations to all team members! We are thankful for the reviewers work and their positive support.
A confirmation was received for the submission of our proposal to the Visegrad Group (V4)-Japan Joint Research Program on Advanced Materials.
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Last update on July 11, 2024
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